Sunday, 20 March 2016

Driving Test Fail... Heart Crush.

   Today, my whole life was almost complete on the driving test. The last thing is needed is to just go around the streets, yet I lost it just by exiting the parking. No matter what happen, I still held my head up high.
   As I was going back home, I thought about many things. I feel sad because of mu FAIL. I feel happy because at least this shows that I can. I feel determine for the next test. I feel doubtful on what is going to happen at home.
   For your information, my life feels more positive around people except by my mother and brother. They somehow makes things in my life to get worst. I just don't know why?
    My mother somehow tends to make matter worst by saying that thing is worse. Such as my driving test. While everyone I met said that it was just a little mistake and with just one more try you could do it. But somehow my mother made it sound worse, just by saying that it's worse.
    My mother definitely said that it was a big mistake and tried to prove that it was a big mistake. How could that ever make me feel better.
    For my brother, well... he has a smart mouth. But for that I'll tell you later.


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